[1] About the same time the duke of Britaine retur|ning into his countrie, vnder the conduct of sir Tho|mas Percie and sir Hugh Caluerlie, landed at a ha|uen not far from saint Malo, the fourth day of Au|gust, being receiued with vnspeakeable ioy of the Britaines, as well lords as commons, so that the lo|uing harts which they bare towards him, might well appeare,The duke of Britaine re|stored to his dukedome. although the loue which he bare to the king of England had caused his subiects, in fauor of France, to kéepe him manie yeares foorth of his dukedome as a banished prince, but at length, they being ouer|come with irkesomnesse of his long absence, with generall consents sent for him home, so that there were but few of the British nobilitie that withdrew their dutifull obedience from him, and those were on|lie such as firmelie linked in seruice with the French king, were loth to forgo such roomes and dignities as vnder him they inioied; namelie, the constable of France, sir Berthram de Cleaquin, the lord Clisson, the lord de Rohen, and the lord Rochfort, and certeine others.