[1] Ye haue heard how sir Iohn Harleston was sent to Chierburg as capteine of that fortresse, who issuing abroad on a day, Anno Reg. 3. A notable ex|ploit doone by sir Iohn Harleston. with such power as he might take foorth, leauing the fortresse furnished, came to a place, where within a church and in a mill, the Frenchmen had laid vp, as in storehouses, a great quantitie of vittels, for prouision; which church and mill the Eng|lishmen assaulted so valiantlie, that notwithstanding there were within a good number of the enimies, that did their best to defend themselues, yet at length they were taken, and sir Iohn Harleston with his com|panie, returned with the vittels towards Chierburg, but by the way they were incountred by one sir Wil|liam de Bourds, whome the French king had ap|pointed to lie in Mountburg with a strong power of men of war, to countergarison Chierburg.