[1] [2] In a parlement holden at Westminster this yeare after Easter, it was ordeined,The sanctua|rie at West|minster con|firmed by parlement. that the priui|leges and immunities of the abbeie of Westminster should remaine whole and inuiolate; but yet there was a prouiso against those that tooke sanctuarie, with purpose to defraud their creditors, that their [page 422] lands & goods shuld be answerable to the discharging of their debts. In the same parlement was granted to the king a subsidie,A subsidie to be paid by the great men, & the commons go free. to be leuied of the great men of the land. To the end the commons might be spared, the dukes of Lancaster and Britaine paid twentie markes, euerie earle six marks, bishops and abbats with miters as much, and euerie moonke thrée shil|lings foure pence: also, euery iustice, shiriffe, knight, esquier, parson, vicar, and chapleine, were charged af|ter a certeine rate, but not any of the commons that were of the laitie.