[1] Sir William Montacute earle of Salisburie was sent ouer to Calis, to be the kings lieutenant there, who shortlie after his comming thither fetcht a great bootie of cattell out of the enimies countrie adioining, so that Calis was furnished with no small number of the same. ¶ Sir Hugh Caluerlie, and sir Thomas Percie, going to sea, tooke seauen ships la|den with merchandize, and one ship of warre. ¶The archbishop of Cassils in Ireland, returning from Rome, brought with him large authoritie of bind|ing and loosing, granted to him by pope Urbane, in fauour of whome at his comming to London, in a sermon which he preached, he declared to the people, how the French king, holding with the antipape Clement, was denounced accurssed; and therefore now was the time for Englishmen to make warre in France, hauing such occasion, as greater could not be offered; speciallie, sith it was like that the ex|communicated king should haue no courage to make resistance. This is I will not saie the diuini|tie (for what heauenlinesse can there be in such dam|nable doctrine, to set people together by the eares?) of the Romanists; so farre off are they from the stu|die of peace and concord betwixt man and man, that they set whole monarchies and empires vp to the mid leg in streams of bloud, imitating their great grand|father sashan, who hath béene a makebate and a mur|therer from the beginning: renouncing the footsteps of Christ with open mouth, and forswering to follow him either in demeanour or doctrine, and therefore;

Quis nisimentis inops, vt sanctum tale probabit?
Haeccine mens Christi? Talia nulla docet.