[1] [2] The pope sendeth to the king for aid.This yeare came messengers from the new elec|ted pope Urbane, with letters to require the kings assistance and aid against such cardinals as he named schismatikes, that had elected an other pope whome they named Clement, which cardinals sent likewise their messengers with letters, to beséech the king to aid them with his fauourable assistance: but through persuasion of the archbishop of Canturburie, Ur|bans request was granted, and Clements reiected. About the same time,Berwike ca|stell woone by the Scots. to wit, on thursdaie before the feast of S. Andrew th'apostle, the Scots by stelth en|tred by night into the castell of Berwike, and slue sir Robert Bointon, a right valiant knight, that was constable thereof, permitting his wife, children, and seruants to depart, with condition, that within three weekes next insuing, they should either paie them thrée thousand marks, or else yeeld their bodies againe to prison.