[1] Howbeit,A cruell [...] in West|minster church. at length when they had got him at that aduantage, one of them cloue his head to the verie braines, and an other thrust him through the bodie be|hind with a sword, and so they murthered him among [page 421] them. They slue also one of the moonkes that would haue had them to haue saued the esquiers life. Much adoo was about this matter, for the breaking thus of the sanctuarie, in somuch that the archbishop of Can|turburie, and fiue other bishops his suff [...]agans, o|penlie pronounced all them that were present at this murder accurssed, and likewise all such as aided or counselled them to it, cheeflie and namelie sir Alane Boxhull, and sir Rafe Ferrers, capteins and leaders of them. The king, the queene, and the duke of Lanca|ster were yet excepted by speciall names. The bishop of London a long time after, euerie sundaie, Wednes|daie, and fridaie, pronounced this excommunication in the church of S. Paule at London.