[1] [2] But they refused to deliuer him, keeping their priso|ner foorth of the waie, so that none wist were he was become: the esquiers therefore were committed to the tower, out of the which they escaped vnto West|minster, and there registred themselues for sanctuarie men. The duke of Lancaster was herewith sore of|fended, and their enimies the said lord Latimer and sir Rafe Ferrers tooke counsell togither, with sir A|lane Boxhull and others, how they might be reuen|ged of this despite. This sir Alane Boxhull was con|stable of the tower, and therefore it greeued him not a little, that the esquiers had broken from him, and kept themselues thus at Westminster, vnder protec|tion of that priuileged place. Herevpon it was con|cluded, that sir Rafe Ferrers, and the said Alane Boxhull, taking with them certeine men in armour, to the number of fiftie persons, should go and fetch them by force from Westminster, vnto the tower a|gaine.