[1] But as other write, the said earle was taken by the said Robert Hall himselfe & Iohn Shakell ioint|lie, and iudged to be their lawfull prisoner, Thom. Wals. by the sen|tence of the prince of Wales, and sir Iohn Chandois that was master to the said esquiers. Wherevpon af|terwards the said earle obteined so much fauor, that by leauing his sonne and heire in gage for his ran|some, he returned into Spaine, to prouide monie to discharge it; but he was so slow in that matter, after he was at libertie, that he departed this life before he made any paiment, and so his lands fell to his sonne that remained in gage for the monie with the two esquiers. Wherevpon it happened afterwards, that the duke of Lancaster, desirous to haue the yoong earle in his hands (in hope through his meanes the better to accomplish his enterprise which he meant to take in hand against the king of Castile, for the right of that kingdome) procured his nephue king Richard to require the said earle of Deane, at the hands of the said esquiers.