[1] [2] Anno Reg. 2. The duke of Lãcaster sai|leth into Bri|taine with a great power. Additions to Adam Meri|muth.Anon after Midsummer, the duke of Lancaster with a strong power tooke the sea, and landing in Bri|taine, besieged the towne of saint Mallo de Lisle, a fortresse of great importance. There went ouer with him the earles of Buckingham, Warwike, Staf|ford, and diuerse other of the English nobilitie, the which made their approches, and fiercelie assailed the towne, but it was so valiantlie defended, that in the end, the duke with his armie raised from thence, and returned without atchiuing his purpose. ¶ About the same time, there was a notable and hainous murther committed within saint Peters church at Westminster, by occasion of variance betwéene the lord Latimer and sir Rafe Ferters on the one partie,Hall [...] Sh [...]kerlie hath Grafton. and two esquiers, the one called Robert Hall and the other Iohn Shakell on the other partie, about a priso|ner which was taken at the battell of Nazers in Spaine, called the earle of Deane, who (as some write) was taken by one sir Franke de Hall at the said battell; Polydor. and bicause he remained in his hands at the death of the said sir Franke, he bequeathed him vnto his sonne the said Robert Hall esquier.