[1] For vpon the first entring into the sea, it fortuned that sir Philip,The English nauie is ouer|matched and ouercome by the Spanish fléet. and sir Peter Couetenie, discouered a certeine number of ships that were enimies, and vn|discréetlie entered amongst them, there suddenlie came vpon them the Spanish fléet, so that the Eng|lish ships that were in companie with the said Phi|lip and sir Peter, were not able to make their partie good, in somuch that finallie after that sir Philip had lost diuerse of his men that were there slaine, he go [...] awaie by flight himselfe, though gréeuouslie woun|ded, but sir Peter was taken prisoner with a few o|ther knights that were with him; and the most part of all the valiant esquiers of Summer se [...]shire & De|uonshire, being there abroad with him, were slaine and drowned, which was estéemed no small losse to the whole common-wealth.