[1] Iohn Philpot that worshipfull citizen of London,Iohn Philpot Alderman of London set|teth foorth a fléet at his own charges, to recouer cer|teine Eng|lish ships ta|ken by the Scots. lamenting the negligence of them that should haue prouided against such inconueniences, made foorth a fléet at his owne charges, stronglie furnished with men of warre and munition necessarie: the men of warre méeting with the same Mercer, accompa|nied with his owne ships, and fiftéene other Spa|niards that were newlie ioined with him, set vpon them, and so valiantlie behaued themselues, that they tooke the said Mercer with all them that were then in his companie, so recouering againe the ships that were taken from Scarburgh, besides great riches which were found aboord, as well in the fiftéene Spa|nish ships, as the other that were of the old retinue, belonging to the same Mercer. Iohn Philpot was af|terwards blamed of the lords, for presuming thus far, as to set foorth a nauie of men of warre, without [page 420] the aduise of the kings councell: but he made his answer in such wise vnto the earle of Stafford, and others that laid the fault to his charge, that he was permitted to depart, without further trouble for that matter.