[1] Yée haue heard, how at the first the duke of Lan|caster was one of the chéefe about the yoong king in gouernement of his person and realme, who pru|dentlie considering, that sith there must néeds be an alteration in the state, & doubting least if any thing chanced otherwise than well,The duke of Lancaster misliking the maners of the court, getteth himselfe home to ye castell of Killingworth the fault and blame might be chéefelie imputed to him, and thanks (how|soeuer things went) he looked for none, he gaue there|fore the slip, obteining licence of the king to depart, and so got him home to his castell of Killingworth, permitting other to haue the whole swaie: for before his departure from the court, there were with his consent ordeined such as should be attending on the kings person, and haue the rule and ordering of mat|ters perteining to the state, as William Courtnie, then bishop of London (though shortlie after remoo|ued to the archbishops see of Canturburie) Edmund Mortimer earle of March, & diuerse other, of whome the people had conceiued a good opinion: but yet bi|cause the bishop of Salisburie, and the lord Latimer were admitted amongst the residue, the commons murmured greatlie against them.