[1] Also, where the castell of Marke, in absence of the [page 419] capteine sir Robert de Salle, that was gone ouer in|to England, was lost through negligence of them that were left in charge within it; the same sir Hugh Caluerlie made such spéed in the matter, that he re|couered it againe the same daie it was lost, by force of assault, taking the Frenchmen prisoners that were gotten into it, and hanging certeine Picards stipendarie soldiers in the said castell,Marke castell recouered by sir Hugh Cal|uerlie, the same daie it was lost. vnder the said sir Robert de Salle, for that whilest the Englishmen were gone foorth, to see the shooting of a match which they had made amongst themselues, a little off from the castell, those Picards being left within, shut the gates against them, and receiued in the Frenchmen, with whome they had practised in treason, kéeping the Englishmen foorth, to whome the safe kéeping of that castell was committed.