[1] [2] There were two tenths granted by the clergie to the king in this parlement,The citizen [...] of London appointed [...] kéepe the [...]|sidie gra [...] by parle [...] and two fiftéenes of the temporaltie, to be paid the same yeare; and two citi|zens of London, William Walworth, and Iohn Philpot were appointed to haue the kéeping of that monie, to the end it might be imploied to the kings necessarie vses, for the defense of the realme. Sir Hugh Caluerlie being deputie of Calis,Sir Hugh [...] comming one morning to Bullongne, burnt certeine ships which laie there in the hauen, to the number of six and twentie, besides two proper barkes, being vessels of no small accompt: and hauing spoiled and burnt the most part of the base towne, he returned to Calis with a great rich bootie of goods and cattell.