[1] Gouernour of this siege at the first, was Yuan or Owen of Wales, but he was murthered one mor|ning as he sat alone viewing the castell, and com|bing his head, by one of his owne countriemen, which vnder colour to serue him, was become with him verie familiar. This Owen or Yuan whether ye will (for all is one) was sonne to a noble man of Wales, whom K. Edward had put to death for some offense by him committed, where this Yuan got him into France, being as then verie yoong, and was brought vp in the French court, and prooued an ex|pert man of warre, so that great lamentation was made for his death by the Frenchmen. But the Eng|lishmen, although they misliked the maner of his death, yet they were not greatlie sorrowfull for the chance, sith they were rid thereby of an extreame eni|mie.