[1] [2] [3] [4] The Frenchmen not ignorant of such mischéefes as were like to grow in England, suffered no time to passe, but tooke occasions of aduantage when they were offered. Froissard. ¶ Among other enterprises I find, that shortlie after the deceasse of king Edward, the duke of Burgognie wan Arde, and two or three other fortresses in those marches. The Scots this yeare al|so wan the castell of Berwike by stealth one mor|ning,Berwike ca|stell woone by the Scots. but shortlie vpon knowledge had, the earles of Northumberland and Notingham, the lords Ne|uill, Lucie, Graistoke, & Stafford, with other lords, knights, and esquiers, came with their powers in all hast thither, and entring the towne, besieged the ca|stell, and finallie, assaulting them that kept it, wan it of them by force, and slue all those Scotishmen which they found within it, except Alexander Ramsie their capteine.Berwike ca|stell recoue|red by the Englishmen. When the Englishmen had thus recouered the castell, they entered into Scotland, in hope to find the Scots, and to fight with them whom they knew to be assembled.