[1] To shew what roiall seruice was at this feast, it passeth our vnderstanding to describe: but to con|clude, the fare was excéeding sumptuous, and the fur|niture princelie in all things, that if the same should be rehearsed, the reader would perhaps doubt of the truth therof. ¶In the midst of the kings palace was a marble piller raised hollow vpon steps, on the top whereof was a great gilt eagle placed, vnder whose feet in the chapiter of the piller, diuers kinds of wine came gushing foorth at foure seuerall places all the daie long, neither was anie forbidden to receiue the same, were he neuer so poore or abiect. On the mor|row after the coronation, there was a generall pro|cession of the archbishop, bishop, and abbats then present, with the lords, and a great multitude of people, to praie for the king and the peace of the kingdome.