[1] That doone, there was a sermon preached by a bi|shop touching the dutie of a king, how he ought to be|haue himselfe towards the people, and how the peo|ple ought to be obedient vnto him. The sermon being ended, the king receiued his oth before the archbishop and nobles: which doone, the archbishop hauing the lord Henrie Percie lord marshall going before him, turned him to euerie quarter of the church, decla|ring to the people the kings oth, and demanding of them, if they would submit themselues vnto such a prince & gouernor, and obeie his commandements: and when the people with a lowd voice had answered that they would obeie him, the archbishop vsing cer|teine praiers, blessed the king; which ended, the arch|bishop came vnto him, and tearing his garments from the highest part to the lowest, stripped him to his shirt. Then was brought by earles, a certeine co|uerture of cloth of gold, vnder the which he remai|ned, whilest he was annointed.