[1] [2] Whilest the duke of Lancaster was thus passing through the realme of France, pope Gregorie the e|leuenth sent the archbishop of Rauenna and the bi|shop of Carpentras as legats from him, to treat for a peace betwixt the realms of England and France. They rode to & fro betwixt the French king and his brethren, and the duke of Lancaster: but the duke and the Englishmen kept on their waie, and so finallie kéeping forwards about Christmasse came to Burdeaux. The legats pursued their treatie, but the parties were so hard, that no reasonable offers would be taken. The two dukes of Lancaster and Britaine laie in Burdeaux all the residue of the win|ter, and the Lent following. The same yeare that the duke of Lancaster made this iournie thorough France, Caxton. Messengers sent to the pope about r [...]|seruations o [...] benefices. the king of England sent certeine ambas|sadors to the pope, requiring him not to meddle with the reseruations of benefices within his realme of England, but that those which were elected bishops might inioy their sees, and be confirmed of their me|tropolitane [page 409] and archbishop, as of ancient time they had beene accustomed.