[1] [2] [3] In this 46 yeare,1372 Anno Reg. [...] sir Robert Ashton was sent into Ireland as lord deputie there, and in the same yeare, the duke of Lancaster being as then a widower, ma|ried the ladie Constance eldest daughter to Peter king of Spaine, which was slaine by his bastard bro|ther Henrie (as before ye haue heard.) ¶Also the lord Emund earle of Cambridge maried the ladie Isa|bell, sister to the same Constance. ¶Their other sister named Beatrice, affianced to Don Ferdinando, son to Peter king of Portingale, was departed this [page 407] life a little before this time at Baionne, where they were all three left as hostages by their father, when the prince went to bring him home into his countrie (as before yée may read.) Froissard writeth, that the duke married the ladie Constance in Gascoigne, and that shortlie after he returned into England with his said wife and hir sister, leauing the capitall de Bueffz, and other lords of Gascoigne and Poictou in charge with the rule of those countries. By reason of that marriage, the duke of Lancaster, as in right of his wife being the elder sister, caused himselfe to be intituled king of Castile, and his said wife quéene of the same realme.