[1] [2] The prince returneth into Gascoigne.The prince obteining passage for himselfe and his men, of the kings of Aragon and Nauarre, retur|ned to Burdeaux, and then did the bastard Henrie forsake his garrison at Bannieres, and went into Arragon, and there got the king of Arragons assi|stance: & finallie, in the yeare 1369, returning into Spaine, recouered the kingdome, and slue his bro|ther king Peter, as in the historie of Spaine it may appeare, which for that it apperteineth not to this hi|storie of England, I doo here passe ouer. This yeare, in the moneth of March, appeared a blasing starre, be|twixt the north and west,1368 Anno Reg. 42. whose beames stretched to|wards France as was then marked,A blasing starre. Polychron. Polydor. threatning (as might be thought) that within a small time after it should againe be wrapped and set on fire with new troubles of warre, and euen then, that countrie was not in quiet, but harried in diuerse parts, by such sol|diers as had béene with the prince in Spaine, & were now out of wages. The leaders of which people were for the more part Englishmen and Gascoignes, Froissard. as sir Robert Briquet, sir Iohn Tresmelle, Robert Ce|nie, sir Gaollard Uigier, the bourge of Bertueill, the bourge Camois of Cominges, as Denise Sauage thinketh, the bourge of Lespare, Nandon or Naw|don of Bargerant, Bernard de la Salle, Ortigo, Lamut, and manie other.