[1] 1367 Anno Reg. 41.Thus when the prince, by the aduise and coun|sell of sir Iohn Chandois, and sir Robert Knols (by whome he was much ruled) had taken direction in his businesse, for that his iournie into Spaine, in each condition as was thought behoouefull, he with the king of Spaine in his companie,The prince setteth for|ward to|wards Spaine. passed foorth with a puissant armie, and came to the streicts of Ronceualle, at the entrie into Nauarre, and obtei|ning so much fréendship of the king of Nauarre, as to haue the passages of his countrie opened, they en|tered into his realme through the same,He entreth in|to Naua [...]re. as freends, without finding any resistance. In this meane time, Henrie king of Spaine, hauing knowledge that the prince of Wales was thus comming against him, to restore his brother king Peter to his former de|grée, by aduise of sir Berthram de Cleaquin, got a great number of soldiers out of France, by whose aid he might the better defend himselfe against his e|nimies.