[1] [2] [3] Shortlie after, there were sent vnto the earle of Montford,Ambassadors sent to ye earle of Montford. the archbishop of Reimes, the marshall Bouciquault, and the lord of Cran, as commissio|ners, to commune with him of a finall agréement. Wherevpon,The variance for Britaine compounded. after he had signified the matter vnto the king of England, and vnderstood his pleasure therein, this treatie was so handled, that peace ther|of followed, Fabian. and the parties were agreed in the mo|neth of Aprill next insuing. ¶ This yeare (as some haue written) king Edward finished his warres vp|on S. Stephans daie, Anno Reg. 39. Fabian. and began the foundation of S. Stephans chappell at Westminster in memorie thereof, which chappell was afterwards finished by king Richard the second that succeeded him. Tho. Wals. ¶ In the nine and thirtith yéere of king Edwards reigne, and in the moneth of Februarie, in the citie of Angoles|me, was borne the first sonne of prince Edward, and was named after his father, but he departed this life the seuenth yeare of his age.