[1] [2] [3] The king of Scotland, and the king of Cypres af|ter they had dispatched their businesse for the which they came, turned backe againe; but the French king fell sicke, and remained here till he died, as in the next yeare ye shall heare. He arriued here in Eng|land, about the latter end of this yeare, and came to Eltham (where king Edward as then laie) on the foure and twentith day of Ianuarie, and there dined. After diner, he tooke his horsse and rode toward Lon|don, and vpon Blacke heath, the citizens of London clad in one kind of liuerie, and verie well horssed, met him, and conueied him from thence through to Lon|don, to the Sauoy, where his lodging was prepared. About the beginning of March, Anno. Reg. 38. in this eight and thir|tith yeare, the forenamed French king fell into a gréeuous sickenesse,The death of the French king. of the which he died the eight day of Aprill following. His corps was conueied into France, and there buried at S. Denise: his exequies were kept here in England in diuerse places right solemnelie, by king Edwards appointment.