Snippet: 306 of 433 (1587, Volume 6, p. 396)
[5] This yeare a parlement
was called by the king, which began the ninth of October,1363 Anno Reg. 37. from the which none of the noble men
could obteine licence to be ab|sent.
Thom. Wals.
In this parlement all rich ornaments of gold and siluer vsed to be
worne in kniues,
Additions to Adam Meri|muth.
A statute of a|raie against costlie appa|rell.
girdels, ouches, rings, or otherwise, to the setting foorth of the
bodie, were prohibited, except to such as might dispend ten pounds by yeare. Morouer that none should weare a|ny rich
clothes or furres, except they might dispend an hundred pounds by yeare. ¶
Moreouer it was en|acted, that labourers and husbandmen should not vse any
deintie dishes, or costlie drinks at their tables. But these, and such other
acts as were deuised and e|stablished at this parlement, tooke none effect,
as af|ter it appeared. In this yeare, there came into Eng|land to speake
with king Edward concerning their weightie affaires,Thrée
kings came into En+gland about businesse with K. Edward. thrée
kings, to wit, the king of France, the king
of Scotland, & the king of Cypres: they were honorablie receiued,
and highlie feasted.