[1] [2] [3] The mortalitie yet during, that noble duke Hen|rie of Lancaster departed this life on the éeuen of the Annunciation of our ladie, and was buried at Leicester. ¶Iohn of Gant the fourth son to the king, who had married his daughter the ladie Blanch, as before yee haue heard, succéeded him in that dutchie as his heire in right of the said ladie. Tho. Walsi. Adam Me|rimuth. The same yeere also died the lord Reginold Cobham, the lord Walter fitz Warren, and thrée bishops, Worcester, London, and Elie. This yeare vpon the fiftéenth day of Ianu|rie there rose such a passing wind, that the like had not béene heard of in manie yéeres before. Caxton. It began about euensong time in the south,A mightie wind. and that with such force, that it ouerthrew and blew downe strong and mightie buildings, as towers, steeples, houses and chimnies. This outragious wind continued thus for the space of six or seauen daies, whereby euen those buildings that were not ouerthrowne and broken downe, were yet so shaken, that they without repa|ring were not able long to stand. Anno Reg. 36. After this followed a verie wet season, namelie in the summer time and haruest, so that much corne and haie was lost and spoiled, for want of seasonable weather to gather in the same.