[1] About the same time, the souldiors which were discharged in France and out of wages, by the brea|king vp of the warres, assembled togither, Froissard. and did much hurt in that realme, as in the French histories yée may read. Their cheefe leaders were Englishmen and Gascoignes subiects to the king of England. The king assembled the states of his realme in par|lement at Westminster in the feast of the Conuersi|on of S. Paule, Anno. Reg. 3 [...]. A parlement. and there was declared vnto them the tenor and whole effect of the peace concluded be|twixt England and France, wherewith they were greatlie pleased, Caxton. and herevpon the nobles of the realme, and such Frenchmen as were hostages, came togither at Westminster church on the first sundaie of Lent next following: and there such as were not alreadie sworne, receiued the oth for performance of the same peace, in a right solemne manner, hauing the tenour of their oths written in certeine scrols; and after they had taken their oths vpon the sacra|ment and masse booke, they deliuered the same scrols vnto certeine notaries appointed to receiue and re|gister the same.