[1] [2] [3] [4] When the newes of this great victorie came into England of the ouerthrow of the Frenchmen, and taking of the French king, ye may be sure there was great ioy shewed by outward tokens,Bonfier [...]. as bonfiers made, feasts and bankets kept, through the whole realme. Likewise the Gascoignes and Englishmen being come to Burdeaux, made great reuell and pa|stime there, spending freelie that gold and siluer which they had woone in the battell of Poictiers, and else|where in that iournie.135 [...] Anno Reg.. [...]. ΒΆ This yeare in Aprill the prince of Wales tooke shipping with his prisoners at Burdeaux,Additions [...] Adam Me [...]|muth. and on the fift of Maie arriued at Plim|mouth. On the foure and twentith day of Maie he was with great honour ioifullie receiued of the citi|zens into the citie of London, and so conueied to the palace of Westminster,The pri [...]ce bringeth the French king ouer into England. where the king sitting in Westminster hall, receiued the French king, and af|ter conueied him to a lodging appointed for him, where he laie a season; but after he was remoued to [page 391] the Sauoie, which was at that time a goodlie house, perteining to the duke of Lancaster, though after|wards it was burnt and destroied by Wat Tiler, Iacke Straw, and their companie. In this place the French king laie, and kept house a long time after.