[1] [2] In the Scotish histories it is recorded, that when those which were within the towne of Berwike, Hector Boe [...]. heard how that an armie of Englishmen came to the succours of the castell, they raced the walles and burnt the houses of the towne, and so departed with all the spoile which they had gotten there. But how soeuer it was, king Edward being againe possessed of the towne, Anno Reg. 30. he set men aworke to repare it, and passing foorth to Roxburge,The resigna|tion of the realme of Scotland made by the Balioll. there met with him the rightfull king of Scots Edward Balioll, who trans|ferred & resigned all the right, title and interest, which he had or might haue to the crowne and realme of Scotland into king Edwards hands: which resigna|tian he confirmed by his letters patents thereof made and giuen vnder his hand and seale, dated the 25 of Ianuarie 1356, requiring king Edward to perseuere in pursute of his title to the vttermost.