[1] [2] [3] [4] This yeare, the tenth of Februarie,1355 Anno Reg. 29. there rose a sore debate betwixt the scholers and townesmen of Ox|enford.Debate be|twixt the scho+lers & townes|men of Oxen|ford. The occasion rose by reason of the falling out of a scholer with one that sold wine: for the scholer perceiuing himselfe euill vsed, powred the wine on the drawers head, knocking the pot about his pate, so as the bloud ranne downe by his eares. Héerevpon began a sore fraie betwixt the scholers and townes|men, which continued for the most part of two daies togither. There were twentie townesmen slaine, be|side those that were hurt: but at length, there came a great number of countrimen foorth of the villa|ges next adioining, to aid the townesmen, entring the towne with a blacke banner, and so fiercelie assai|led the scholers, that they were constreined to flee to their houses and hostels, but their enimies pursuing them, brake vp their doores, entered their chambers, slue diuerse of them, and threw them into priuies, tare their bookes, and bare awaie their goods. The scholers héerewith tooke such displeasure, that they departed the Uniuersitie: those of Merton colledge, and other the like colledges onelie excepted.