[1] [2] In this yeare were the first peeces of siluer called grotes and halfe grotes of foure penc [...] & two pence the peece stamped, by the kings appointment,Grotes [...] hal [...]e [...] fi [...]st [...] through the counsell of William de Edington bishop of Winchester lord treasur [...]r. Before that time, there were no other coines, but the noble halfe noble, and quarter noble, with the péeces of siluer called ster|lings. Bicause these new péeces wanted of the weight of the old sterling coine, the prices as well of vittels as of other wares, did dailie rise and ser|uants and workemen waxing more craftie than be|fore time they had beene, demanded great wages, ¶ This yeare, vpon the euen of the Assumption of our lodie, sir Iohn Bentlie knight,1 [...]5 [...] Anno. Reg as then lord warden of Britaine, fought with the lord Guie de Neell, marshall of France (latelie ransomed out of capti|uitie) in the parts of Britaine, néere to a place called Mouron, betwixt Rennes and Pluremell, where the said marshall was slaine,Mouron. togither with the lord of Briquebeke the Chateline of Beauuais, and diuerse other both Britains and Frenchmen.