[1] Anno Reg 25. 1351In the fiue and twentith yeare of king Edwards reigne, the Frenchmen hauing laid siege vnto the towne of saint Iohn Dangeli, the lord Dalbrets son, hauing assembled six hundred men of armes, Gas|coigns and Englishmen, meant to worke some feat for reliefe of them within, whervpon, as he was mar|ching through the countrie of Xainctonge neere vnto Xaincts the eighth of Aprill, Froissard. or (as other haue) the first, he was incountered by the lord Guie de NĂ©ell, one of the marshals of France, & other French lords, where at length, the Frenchmen were discomfited, manie also slaine, and diuerse taken prisoners, of which number was the said marshall, with his brother the lord William, and sir Arnold de Dandrehen, beside others, to the number of 300 men of armes, but yet the siege remained, till for want of vittels the towne was rendered to the Frenchmen.