[1] [2] Whilest Calis was thus besieged by the king of England, Ia. Meir. The Fle|mings. the Flemings which had latelie before be|sieged Betwine, and had raised from thence about the same time that the battell was fought at Cressie, now assemble togither againe, and dooing what da|mage they might against the Frenchmen on the bor|ders, they laie siege vnto the towne of Aire. Moreo|uer, Froissard. they wrought so for the king of England (ear|nestlie requiring their fréendship in that behalfe) that their souereigne lord Lewes earle of Flanders be|ing as then about fifteene yeares of age,1347 Anno Re [...] [...] fianced the ladie Isabell daughter to the king of England,The earle of Flanders [...] streined to promise ma|riage to the king of Eng|lands daugh [...]ter. more by constraint indeed of his subiects, than for any good will he bare to the king of England: for he would often saie, and openlie protest, that he would ne|uer marrie hir whose father had slaine his: but there was no remedie, for the Flemings kept him in ma|ner as a prisoner, till he granted to follow their ad|uise. But the same weeke that the mariage was ap|pointed to be solemnized, the earle as he was abroad in hawking at the hearon, stale awaie and fled into France, not staieng to ride his horsse vpon the spurs till he came into Arthois, and so dishonorablie disap|pointed both the king of England, and his owne na|turall subiects the Flemings, to their high displea|sure.