[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] When this truce was thus confirmed, manie of the English armie returned home through France, Anno Reg. 17. so to passe ouer by the narrow seas into England, but the king himselfe,The king of England re|turneth by sea forth of Bri|taine. with a few other, taking their ships to passe by long seas, were maruellouslie tor|mented by tempest, so that their ships were scattered and driuen to take land at diuerse hauens. The dut|chesse of Britaine with hir sonne and daughter, came on land in Deuonshire. Sir Peers de Ueele, and his sonne sir Henrie Uéele, and sir Iohn Raine knights, were drowned,Shipwracke. togither with the ship in which they passed. The king escaping verie hardlie, landed at Weimouth, and on the fift day of March came to London to the queene. In the quindene of Easter, he held a parlement at Westminster,A parlement. The kings eldest sonne created prince of Wales. in which he created his eldest sonne Edward prince of Wales. In this parlement were diuerse matters talked of, and speciallie concerning wools, and of the assesse|ment of a certeine price of them, more and lesse, ac|cording to the seuerall parts of the realme, and of the customes to be made of them, to wit, thrée marks and an halfe, for euerie sacke to be transported foorth of the realme.