[1] [2] [3] Edmund of Langley that was after duke of yorke is borne. Fabian. A iusts and tornie at Dunstable.This yeare, the fift of Iune queene Philip was deliuered of a sonne at the towne of Langley, the which was named Edmund, and surnamed Langley of the place where he was thus borne. Also about the same time was a great iustes kept by king Edward at the towne of Dunstable, with other counterfeited feats of warre, at the request of diuerse yoong lords and gentlemen, whereat both the king and queene were present, with the more part of the lords and la|dies of the land. ¶ The lord Charles de Blois, hauing in the meane time woone Uannes, and other towns, brought his armie backe vnto Hanibout,Hanibout besieged. and eft|soones besieged the same, and the countesse of Mount|fort within it. But for so much as it was well fortifi|ed, and prouided of all things necessarie to defend a siege, the Englishmen being returned thither againe after the ouerthrow of the lord Lewes de Spaine,1342 Anno Reg. 16. it could not be easilie woone. At length, by the labour of certeine lords of Britaine,The countes of Richmond commeth ouer into Englãd. An armie sent into Britaine a truce was taken for a time, during the which, the countesse of Richmond came ouer into England, to commune with king Edward, touching the affaires of Britaine, who ap|pointed sir Robert Dartois earle of Richmond, the earles of Salisburie, Penbroke, and Suffolke, the lords Stafford, Spenser, and Bourchier, with others, to go with hir ouer into Britaine, who made their prouision, so that they might take the sea, to come thither against the time that the truce betwixt the countesse and the lord Charles de Blois should be expired.