[1] When king Edward had finished his businesse with the Flemings at Gaunt, Anno Reg. 14. he left his wife quéene Philip there still in that towne, and returned him|selfe vnto Antwerpe, and shortlie after about the feast of Candlemasse tooke the sea, and came backe into England, to prouide for monie to mainteine his be|gun warres. And herevpon about the time of Lent following,A parlement. he called his high court of parlement at Westminster, in the which he asked of his commons towards his charges, for the recouerie of his right in France, the fift part of their mooueable goods, Hen. Marl. Polydor. the customes of wools for two yeares to be paid afore|hand, and the ninth sheafe of euerie mans corne. At length it was agreed,A subsidie. that the king should haue for euerie sacke of wooll fortie shillings, for euerie three hundred wooll fels fortie shillings, and for euerie last of leather fortie shillings, and for other merchandize after the rate; to begin at the feast of Easter, in this fouretéenth yeare of the kings reigne, and to indure till the feast of Pentecost then next following, and from that feast till the feast of Pentecost, then next insuing into one yeare: for which the king granted, that from the feast of Pentecost, which was then to come into one yeare, he nor his heires should not demand, assesse, nor take, nor suffer to be assessed or taken, more custome of a sacke of wooll of any Eng|lishman, but halfe a marke, and vpon the wooll fels and leather the old former custome.