[1] [2] [3] About the feast of saint Martine in winter, there came vnto London two cardinals,Two cardi|nals come in|to England. sent by the pope to treat for a peace betwixt the kings of England, and France. ¶The archbishop of Canturburie, with the bishops of Winchester, Elie, Chichester, Couen|trie, & the cõmoners of the citie of London met them on Shooters hill.Additions to Meri. The duke of Cornewall with the earle of Surrie, and manie other of the nobilitie re|ceiued them a mile without the citie. The king him|selfe receiued them at the lesser hall doore of his pa|lace at Westminster, and brought them into the painted chamber, where they declared their message: wherevpon the king caused a parlement to be sum|moned at London, to begin the morrow after Can|dlemasse day. The king held his Christmasse at Gild|ford, and within the octaues of the same feast he tooke his iournie towards Scotland, or rather (as other haue) he sent thither the earles of Salisburie, Ri. Southwell The castell of Dunbar be|sieged. Anno Reg. 12. Gloce|ster, Derbie, and Anegos, with three barons, the lords Percie, Neuill, and Stafford, the which with twentie thousand men besieged the castell of Dunbar.