[1] [2] [3] About the feast of saint Martine in winter, there came vnto London two cardinals,Two cardi|nals come in|to England. sent by the pope to treat for a peace betwixt the kings of England, and France. ¶The archbishop of Canturburie, with the bishops of Winchester, Elie, Chichester, Couen|trie, & the cõmoners of the citie of London met them on Shooters hill.Additions to Meri. The duke of Cornewall with the earle of Surrie, and manie other of the nobilitie re|ceiued them a mile without the citie. The king him|selfe receiued them at the lesser hall doore of his pa|lace at Westminster, and brought them into the painted chamber, where they declared their message: wherevpon the king caused a parlement to be sum|moned at London, to begin the morrow after Can|dlemasse day. The king held his Christmasse at Gild|ford, and within the octaues of the same feast he tooke his iournie towards Scotland, or rather (as other haue) he sent thither the earles of Salisburie, Ri. Southwell The castell of Dunbar be|sieged. Anno Reg. 12. Gloce|ster, Derbie, and Anegos, with three barons, the lords Percie, Neuill, and Stafford, the which with twentie thousand men besieged the castell of Dunbar.