[1] [2] [3] About the feast of the Assumption of our ladie,Scots submit them to the king of Eng|land. di|uerse of the Scotish nobilitie came and submitted themselues to the king, namelie the earle of Atholl and others, but earle Patrike of Dunbarre, and the earle of Rosse, the lord Andrew de Murrey, the lord William Dowglas, and the lord William de Keth, and manie other would not come in, but assembling themselues togither, did all the mischéefe they could vnto those that had receiued the kings peace.The castell of Kildrummie. The earle of Atholl in the winter season, besieging the ca|stell of Kildrummie beyond the Scotish sea was set vpon by the earles of Dunbarre and Rosse,The earle of Atholl slaine. so that they slue him there in field, for his men fled from him (through some traitorous practise as was thought) and left him and a few other in all the danger. ¶The king of England being returned foorth of Scotland, remained for the most part of the winter in the north parts, and held his Christmasse at Newcastell vpon [page 352] Tine, and after the Epiphanie hauing assembled an armie readie to passe into Scotland, to reuenge the earle of Athols death, which he tooke verie displeasant|lie, there came in the meane time ambassadors both from the pope and the French king, and found the king of England at Berwike, readie with his armie to set forwards into Scotland. Anno Reg. 10. But these ambassa|dors did so much by intreatie with the two kings of England and Scotland, that about the feast of the Purification,A truce gran|ted to the Scots. a truce was agréed vpon to indure till midlent.