[1] [2] Finallie, when the king had finished his businesse in Scotland, Anno Reg. 9. as to his séeming stood with his plea|sure, he returned into England, and shortlie after he sent the archbishop of Canturburie,Ambassadors [...]ent into France. sir Philip de Montacute, and Geffrey Scroope vnto the French king, to conclude a firme amitie & league with him. These lords comming into France, were not at the first admitted to the French kings presence, till they shewed themselues halfe greeued with that strange dealing: for then finallie were they brought vnto him, who gentlie receiued them, and caused the mat|ter to be intreated of about the which they were sent, in furthering whereof, such diligence was vsed, that finallie a conclusion of peace and concord was a|greed, and so farre passed, that proclamation thereof should haue béene made in Paris, and in the coun|trie thereabout the next day: but scarse were the En|glish ambassadours returned vnto their lodgings, when they were sent for backe againe, and further informed, that the French king minded to haue Da|uid king of Scotland comprised in the same league, so that he might be restored vnto his kingdome, and the Balioll put out. The English ambassadors an|swered, that their commission extended not so farre, and therfore they could not conclude any thing there|in. Herevpon all the former communication was reuoked, and cléerelie made void, so that the English ambassadors returned home into England without anie thing concluded.