[1] [2] [3] In this yeare about the twelfth of October, Simon Mepham archbishop of Canturburie, departed this life, in whose place succeeded Iohn Stretford, being remooued from the see of Winchester, Adam Me [...]|muth. whereof he was bishop, before that he was thus called to the see of Canturburie.1334 Anno Reg. [...] After Candlemas the king of Eng|land repaired towards Yorke, Adam Me [...]|muth. A parlement at Yorke. there to hold a parle|ment, to the which (beginning on the mondaie in the second wéeke in Lent) when Edward Balioll doub|ting to be surprised by his aduersaries, could not come, yet he sent the lord Henrie de Beaumont, and the lord William de Montacute, to make excuse for him. The king of England passing further into the north parts, held his Whitsuntide at Newcastell vpon Tine, with great roialtie: and shortlie af|ter, Edward Balioll king of Scots came thither,Edward B [...]lioll dooth [...]|mage vnto the king of Eng+land for Sc [...]+land. and vpon the nintéenth daie of Iune made his ho|mage vnto the king of England, and sware vnto him fealtie in the presence of a great number of Nobles and gentlemen there assembled, as to his superiour and chiefe lord of the realme of Scotland, binding himselfe by that oth, to hold the same realme of the king of England, his heires and successors for euer. He also gaue and granted vnto the king of England at that time fiue counties next adioining vnto the borders of England, as Berwike and Rocksburgh, Peplis, and Dunfres, the townes of Hadington and Gedworth with the castell, the forrests of Silkirke, Etherike, and Gedworth, so as all these portions should be cléerelie separated and put apart from the crowne of Scotland, and annexed vnto the crowne of England for euer. And these things were confirmed and roborated with oth, scepter, and wit|nesse sufficient.