[1] [2] [3] [4] After this, he went and laie a time with the ladie of Gines, that was his kinsewoman. Finallie about the téenth day of March, Anno Reg. 7. hauing assembled a power of Englishmen and Scotishmen, he entred Scot|land,Berwike besieged. and besieged the towne of Berwike, during the which siege, manie enterprises were attempted by the parties: and amongst other, the Scots entred England by Carleill, dooing much mischiefe in Gille|s [...]and, by burning, killing, robbing and spoiling. The king aduertised hereof, thought himselfe discharged of the agréement concluded betwixt him and Dauid Bruce, the sonne of Robert Bruce that had married his sister, & therfore tooke it to be lawfull for him to aid his coosen Edward Balioll the lawfull K. of Scots. And herewith assembling an armie, came to the siege of Berwike, togither with his brother Iohn of El|tham earle of Cornewall,The victorie of English|men at Ha|lidon hill. and other noble men, sée|king by all meanes possible how to win the towne: and finallie discomfited an armie of Scots, which came to the rescue theerof vpon Halidon hill, in slea|ing of them what in the fight and chase, seuen earles, nine hundred knights and baronets, foure hundred esquiers, and vpon 32 thousand of the common peo|ple: and of Englishmen were slaine but 15 persons, as our English writers make mention. The Scotish writers confesse, that the Scotishmen lost the num|ber of 14 thousand.