[1] [2] In the sixt yeare of king Edwards reigne,1332 Anno Reg. 6. Reig|nold earle of Gelderland married the ladie Elianor sister to this king Edward the third, Croxden. The earle of Gelderland. who gaue vnto the said earle with hir for hir portion, fifteene thou|sand pounds sterling. ¶ Isabell the kings daughter was borne also this yeare at Woodstoke. ¶ After that Edward Balioll had prepared and made readie his purueiances for his iournie, and that his men of warre were assembled and come togither, being in all not past fiue hundred men of armes, and about two thousand archers, and other footmen, he tooke the sea at Rauenspurgh in Yorkeshire, and from thence directing his course northward, he arriued at length in Scotland, where he atchiuing great victories (as in the Scotish chronicle yée may read more at large) was finallie crowned king of that realme.Edward Ba|lioll crowned k. of Scotlãd.