[1] [2] In the fift yeare of K. Edwards reigne,1331 Anno. Reg. 5. Edward Balioll came foorth of France into England, and ob|teined such fauour through the assistance of the lord Henrie Beaumont,Edward Ba|lioll commeth into England the lord Dauid of Strabogie earle of Athole, the lord Geffrey de Mowbraie, the lord Walter Cumin, and others, that king Edward granted him licence to make his prouision in Eng|land to passe into Scotland, with an armie of men to attempt the recouerie of his right to the crowne of Scotland, with condition that if he recouered it, he should acknowledge to hold it of the king of Eng|land as superiour lord of Scotland. The comming a|waie of Edward Balioll out of France is diuerslie reported by writers: some saie that he was aided by the French king, whose sister he had married: Caxton. and o|ther saie, that he being in prison in France, for the escape of an Englishman,Iohn Bar|nabie. one Iohn Barnabie es|quier, which had slaine a Frenchman by chance of quarelling in the towne of Dampierre, where the same Barnabie dwelled with the said Edward Ba|lioll,The lord Beaumont. so it came to passe that the lord Henrie Beau|mont hauing occasion of businesse with the French king, that fauoured him well, came ouer to France, and there vnderstanding of Baliols imprisonment, procured his deliuerance, and brought him ouer into England, and caused him to remaine in secret wise at the manor of Sandhall vpon Ouse in Yorkeshire with the ladie Uesci [...], till he had purchased the kings grant for him to make his prouision of men of war and ships within the English dominions.