[1] [2] The bishop of London and certeine other great personages, whome he had accused, were permitted to go at libertie, Anno Reg 4. vnder suerties taken for their good demeanour and foorth comming. But Robert de Touton, and the frier that had raised the spirit for to know whether the kings father were liuing or not, were committed to prison, wherein the f [...]ier remai|ned till he died. The earle himselfe was had out of the castell gate at Winchester, and there lost his head the 19 day of March,The earle of Kent behea|ded. chiefelie (as was thought) tho|rough the malice of the quéene mother, and of the earle of March: whose pride and high presumption the said earle of Kent might not well abide. His death was the lesse lamented, bicause of the presumptuous gouernement of his seruants and retinue,Naughtie seruants bring their master into disfauour. which he kept about him, for that they riding abroad, would take vp things at their pleasure, not paieng nor agrée|ing with the partie to whome such things belonged; in so much that by their meanes, who ought to haue doone their vttermost for the inlargement of his ho|nour, he grew in greater obloquie and reproch: a fowle fault in seruants so to abuse their lords names to their priuat profit, to whome they cannot be too trustie. But such are to be warned, that by the same wherin they offend, they shall be punished, euen with seruants faithlesse to plague their vntrustinesse, for

Qui violare fidem solet, & violetur eidem.