[1] [2] In the second yeare of his reigne, about the feast of Pentecost, Anno Reg. 2. A parlement at North|ampton. king Edward held a parlement at Northampton, at the which parlement by euill and naughtie counsell, whereof the lord Roger Mortimer and the queene mother bare the blame, the king con|cluded with the Scotish king both an vnprofitable and a dishonorable peace. For first,A dishonora|ble peace. he released to the Scots their fealtie and homage. Also he deliuered vnto them certeine old ancient writings, sealed with the seales of the king of Scots, and of diuerse lords of the land both spirituall and temporall: amongst the which was that indenture,Ragman. which they called Rag|man, with manie other charters and patents, by the which the kings of Scotland were bound as feoda|ries vnto the crowne of England; Fabian. Caxton. The blacke crosse. at which season al|so there were deliuered certeine iewels, which before time had béene woone from the Scots by the kings of England, and among other, the blacke crosier or rood is speciallie named.