[1] [2] He was of bodie well cast and strong, of a good sta|ture in heigth, well fauoured of face, with the lid of one of his eies comming downe, so as it almost co|uered the apple of the same eie. Of nature he was courteous,His conditiõs and of stomach rather noble than stout; a deuout prince and liberall towards the poore and née|die. Yet he wanted not dispraise in some points, namelie for that in ordering of things and weightie affaires, he vsed small consideration. He was also noted to be a great taker of monie by leanes, taxes, and subsidies: but there vnto he was inforced by ne|cessitie, to beare the charges of warre and other pub|like affaires, than of any couetous mind or purpose to serue his owne turne. ¶What capteins of honour among the nobilitie liued in his time, it may appeare by the course of the historie of his age.