[1] [2] [3] [4] In this meane time king Henrie, being returned to London from saint Edmundsburie (as before yee haue heard) his sicknesse so increased vpon him, Anno Reg. 57. that finallie he departed at Westminster on the sixteenth day of Nouember, in the yeare of our Sauiour 1272. after he had liued threescore and fiue yeares, and reig|ned fiftie and six yeares,King Henrie departeth this life. and seauen and twentie daies. A little before his death, when he perceiued that he could no longer liue, he caused the earle of Glocester to come before him,The earle of Glocester. and to be newlie sworne to keepe the peace of the land, to the behoofe of his sonne prince Edward. His bodie was buried at Westminster. He had issue by his wife quéene E|lianor two sonnes, the foresaid Edward, prince of Wales, that succéeded him; and Edmund earle of Lancaster,The issue of king Henrie the third. by some authors surnamed Crouchbacke, though (as other affirme vntrulie) that this Edmund was the elder brother: but bicause he was a defor|med person, therefore his yonger brother Edward was preferred to the kingdome, which was deuised of purpose to conueie a right to king Henrie the fourth, which fetched the descent from the said Ed|mund, and by force vsurped and held the crowne, as after it may appeare. Moreouer, king Henrie had thrée daughters by the said Elianor, as Margaret maried to Alexander king of Scots,His proporti|on of bodie. Beatrice whom the duke of Britaine had to wife, and Catharine which died before she was mariable.