[1] [2] [3] The king returning by saint Edmundsburie, after he had doone his deuotions to S. Edmunds shrine, began to ware somewhat crasie: but after hauing a little recouered his health, he called a councell there, wherein he went about to haue taken order for the punishment of rebels: but his sicknesse againe re|newing, he brake vp the assemblie, and with all spéed hasted to London. Prince Edward vpon his returne out of the holie land came to Chalons in Burgogne, & at the request of the earle he did attempt with his companie to hold a iustes and tournie against the said earle & all other commers; And thought through disdaine and spite there was homelie plaie shewed,A iusts and tornie holden at Chalons. vpon purpose to put the Englishmen to the foile & re|proch; yet by high valiancie prince Edward and his companie bare themselues so worthilie, that in the end the aduersaries were well beaten, and constrei|ned to leaue the honor of that enterprise to the said prince Edward and his partakers. After this, he kept on his iornie till he came vnto Paris, where he was honourablie receiued of the French king, and from thence he went to Burdeaux, and there remained till after his fathers death.