[1] [2] About the moneth of Iune there fell great de|bate and discord betwixt the moonks of Norwich and the citizens there; which increased so farre, that at length the citizens with great violence assaulted the monasterie, fired the gates,A fraie be|twixt the moonks and citizens of Norwich. and forced the fire so with reed and drie wood, that the church with the bookes, and all other ornaments of the same, and all houses of office belonging to that abbeie were cleane burned, wasted, and destroied, so that nothing was preserued except one little chapell. The king hearing of this ri|ot, rode to Norwich, and causing inquirie to be made thereof,Thirtie of the citizens of Norwich han+ged and burnt. thirtie yoong men of the citie were condem|ned, hanged and burnt, to the great greefe of the other citizens, for they thought that the priour of the place was the occasion of all that mischéefe, who had got to|gither armed men, and tooke vpon him to kéepe the belfraie and church by force of armes: but the prior was well inough borne out, and defended by the bi|shop of Norwich, named Roger, who (as it is likelie) was the maister of the mischéefe, though hands were not laid vpon him nor his adherents: perhaps for [page 276] feare, peraduenture for fauour; & no maruell though the lesse faultie lost their liues as most guiltie, for

—rarus venator ad vrsos
Accedit, tutos conseruat sylua leones,
Debilibus robusta nocent, & grandia paruis,
A les fulminiger timidos infestat olores,
Accipiter laniat turdos millés columbas,
Versicolor coluber ranas miser [...]s lacertas,
Irretit muscas transmittit aranea vespas.