[1] He therefore, being desirous to haue some part thereof, so intreated him that had the kéeping of it, that he obteined his desire, and brought it ouer with him into England, bestowing a third part thereof after his fathers deceasse in the abbeie of Hailes, as it were to adorne and inrich the same,The bloud of Hailes. bicause that therein both his father and mother were buried; and the other two parts he did reserue in his owne custo|die, till at length mooued vpon such deuotion as was then vsed, he founded an abbeie a little from his ma|nour of Berkhamsteed: which abbeie was named Ashrug,Ashrug ab|beie built. Bonhommes. in the which he placed moonks of the order of Bonhommes, being the first that euer had beene seene of that order here in England. And herewith he also assigned the two other parts of that bloud to the same abbeie. Wherevpon followed great resort of people to those two places, induced therevnto by a certeine blind deuotion.